Things to do today
3) Bitch out credit card company AGAIN;
4) Check to see if Spanx pants render prepregnancy dress wearable;
Baby pants surround Daddy's pants
In other news, I have just weaned the boys, at 6 1/2 months of age. I didn't want to wean this early, but the boys basically lost all interest in nursing. The lovely Teebs sent me a link to a helpful article regarding the rarity of self-weaning before a year, and I've read similar information elsewhere, but, I'm here to tell you, these authors never met my boys. They are reaching for cups and mugs and computers and Us Weekly and pizza (no, I'm not giving them pizza; they're just reaching for it); they have no further use for lying down and eating like a baby. Other than the whole process being heartbreaking, there was virtually no physical discomfort, because the stepdown in nursing was gradual. Usually, of course, I'm a huge fan of free speech, but I'm having a hard enough time with this, and I'm going to invoke my blog-dictatorship rights and delete any comments that are anything other than supportive of my weaning. Now, please tell me I'm not a horrible mother.
I'm currently working on weaning the rest of the world, but it's proving significantly more difficult to get everyone else off my tits, you know? At least my boys latched onto me for nourishment. It seems that the vast majority of the universe likes to latch on just to mess with me.